Sunday, April 23, 2017


7 SINS FOR SKIN #7 Sleep Positions

The way you sleep can increase the appearance of wrinkles. Side sleeping can cause deep lines and creases on your chin and cheeks, which you naturally return to each night.  Let's face it, gravity takes over as our skin ages and loses elasticity. Side sleepers usually notice vertical lines down their chin and cheeks.

Sleeping face down can create lines on your forehead. When your face is directly on the pillow, there is increased pressure and friction on the forehead that eventually leads to wrinkles.  Not to mention the direct contact your skin has with the oils or dust on the pillow.  This could lead to acne or other skin blemishes. 

Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent lines and wrinkles. There is no friction on the skin and no contact with dirt and oils on the pillow. One suggestion if you are a back sleeper. Don't sleep completely flat. Elevate your head to discourage fluid from collecting around the eyes, giving a puffy appearance in the morning.  Other than that, sleeping on your back is the best position to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on your face. 

This concludes the 7 Sins for Skin series. I hope you have enjoyed reading these short articles and have taken away some good information about how to take care of your skin. 

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