Sunday, April 16, 2017



The 15,000 facial expressions you make every day can damage skin. Frowning, smiling, squinting—the constant movement of facial muscles causes skin fibers to slacken. Over time, these creases become wrinkles.

Many facial expressions show how we are feeling. Smiling...we are happy, frowning...sad, squinting...stressed or thinking about something, eyes wide open...shock or worry. They all show our expressions of how we feel inside. These are inevitable emotions that we sometimes cannot control. So what do we do about it?? If you find yourself frowning a lot, find something that makes you happy and will make you smile more. If you find yourself squinting, relax your facial muscles or wear your sunglasses. 

Facial muscles can be trained just like any other muscle in the body. Here's my "double" advice, not as an Avon rep, but as someone with physical therapy background. Training your facial muscles is as easy as saying the vowels. Stand in front of a mirror, and exaggerate the vowels x 10 reps. You will be making funny faces at yourself and will be smiling more by the end of the exercise! Then cleanse your face and apply moisturizer. The perfect prescription. 

I love when I can give advice in both areas of my expertise!

Check back tomorrow for 7 Sins for Skin #6 Everyday Diet.

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