Saturday, April 15, 2017



Pollutants in the air coat skin with grime that can block pores. Free radicals can break down skin’s structure, leading to wrinkles, roughness, dehydration and loss of elasticity.

We are exposed to pollutants each and every day, such as cigarette smoke, car exhaust, smog, dirt and dust.  So what are we supposed to do? Stay indoors? Put ourselves in a bubble? Pretty unrealistic if your ask me. Here are a few tips to help combat the effects of pollution on our skin.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants for the first line of defense to help protect our skin and overall health from pollutants in the air, from the inside out. It has to start from within. Some foods that are rich in antioxidants are tomatoes, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bell peppers and leafy greens. Thank goodness I love them all!

Next your want to drink more water. This will help flush toxins out of the body that clog your pores and hydrate the skin.

Use skin care products that are rich in vitamins A, C and E for added protection.

Cleanse your skin to wash away impurities that you've collected during your busy days.

Lastly, use Sunscreen to protect your skin from free radicals in the air that collect on your skin and clog pores. Look for moisturizers that have sunscreen in them to protect your skin.

Pollution is all around us.  We just need to be aware that it out there and find ways to combat the effects of pollution on our skin and overall health.

Check back tomorrow for Sin #5

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