Join Avon Today for as little as $15
Here's what I love about selling Avon.
1. I started my OWN business for $15! I'm the BOSS!
2. I set my own hours.
3. I work from home or on the go thanks to technology.
4. I can make as much money as I want, depending on how much time I can spend on my business.
5. I love the products and get a discount (at age 58 this is helpful).
6. I am helping others by providing a service.
There are so many more reasons I love my Avon business, too many to list. The bottom line is I am thankful for the opportunity to manage my own business, learn from other reps, gain experience with sales techniques that work, use products I believe in, AND MAKE MONEY! Let's face it, we all want to make extra money. So whether this is your full time venture or your part time extra money, Avon can be the right choice for you. And for only a $15 investment, why not give it a try and see where the opportunity takes you!
Here is what your $15 investment starts you off with:

That's really all you need to get started! When you start making money, you can invest in more sample, brochures, demo products, or whatever you want to make you business profitable for you.
I have set up a team called Krupa Kosmetics. Catchy right? Well it's fun and exciting to have a team to bounce ideas off of, share success stories and learn from each other. It also gives us all the support and encouragement we need to be successful.
So that's my sales pitch. I hope you join Team Krupa Kosmetics today. If you are still not convinced that Avon is right for you, send me a message and let's talk about it. Or visit and research yourself to see if it is the right fit for you.
Here's my website which is packed full of information, videos, tips and my contact information for further questions. Please feel free to visit with no obligation.
"Build your own beautiful Avon story"