Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Avon Beyond Color Lipstick

Avon Beyond Color Lipstick seen today on Wendy Williams show!

For those of you that don't know Wendy Williams, she is a funny, down-to-earth talk show host that can be seen daily on her own show called of course "The Wendy Williams Show"  She is also partnered with Avon supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. She talks about anything and everything, gives her opinion of things and is genuinely funny! 

Unfortunately I work during the day (in addition to selling Avon) and don't see the show, but I happened to be in an area this morning and overheard a segment about "Live Like a Celebrity". Wendy was talking to a guest about some of the beauty products celebrity's use in Hollywood, on the red carpet etc.....

They started talking about "pouty lips" which is a look some celebrity's go for, and much to my pleasure and surprise, they mentioned Avon Beyond Color Lipstick as a choice of celebrity's! I was so excited to hear this. I love this product and can't wait to tell my customers who use it! 

Here are some clips from today's Wendy Williams Show and the display of Beyond Color Lipstick!

Beyond Color 

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