Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Anew Understands Aging Skin

Understanding Aging Skin

Anew Understands the signs of aging skin. Help is here!

As most of us know, signs of aging happens. Whether you are in your 20’s or 60’s, we all have skin care concerns. There are many causes that contribute to signs of aging including smoking, stress, lack of sleep and sleep position, pollution, facial expressions, and diet.
Smoking deprives our skin of valuable oxygen it needs to stay healthy, which gives skin a grayish dull appearance. 
Stress can interrupt sleep patterns and weaken the immune system, leading to chemical imbalances and the appearance of dull skin and eyes. Even sleep position affects your skin. Side sleeping encourages fine lines and sagging skin around your jaw line and chin. Sleeping on your stomach encourages lines on the forehead. Best position, sleep on your back. 
Pollution is all around us, some areas more than others. Pollution clogs pores, making your skin dry and dull. Over time pollution makes your skin sensitive and susceptible to skin irritation, inflammation and allergies. 
Facial expressions can also contribute to fine or deep lines in your facial skin, like frowning/smiling and squinting. Remember that we have facial muscles that are attached to the skin, and expressions can affect the strength and/or weakness of those muscles. So smile more, it’s the lesser of the two evils!
Last but not least, probably the most important component of keeping our skin healthy, daily diet. Lots for fresh fruits and vegetables provides precious antioxidants that defend against pollutants and allergens that cause inflammation. Water keeps your skin hydrated and resilient, and lean protein helps with muscle repair. Remember we have muscle attached to our skin that requires daily repair. 
So in a perfect world, no smoking, great night’s sleep every night on your back, no stress, no pollution, no frowning and a healthy daily diet, we can all have beautiful skin! Well, maybe we need some help from the Anew Skin Care Line. My next blog will discuss the various Anew Skin Care lines, what they target and choosing the right one for you. 

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