Saturday, November 11, 2017

Powder-Wrinkles and Anti-Aging-Shop Avon

Powder-Wrinkles and Anti-Aging

As a young girl, I can remember my grandmother letting me use her powder and "rouge". It made me feel so grown up. Of course at that age, my skin was clear and smooth.  Now as I close in on the age of 60, I realize that powder is really not my friend. Powder doesn't do me any favors and in fact ages me.  I've noticed after using a pressed powder to set my foundation, pours seem larger and wrinkles deeper. Ugh!

We use powders to set our makeup and get rid of oily areas.  But as we age, what powder really does for us is settle into creases and tiny wrinkles, drawing attention and accentuating these areas. Powder ages us.

Here are a few simple solutions to help combat the signs of aging skin.

Skip The Powder


  1. Use a setting spray instead of a pressed powder to set your makeup.
  2. Replace powder blushes and bronzers with cream formulas that don't highlight wrinkles.

Foundation-Go For The Gold

Help your skin look brighter and younger with a yellow-based foundation. Gold-tones are age-defying and counteract any grayish tones that slowly take over as we age.

Concealer-Reach For Peach

Look for a concealer that is pink, red, coral or salmon colored to cancel out blue or purple shadows under eyes.  Dot gently to blend, then add your regular concealer. Be careful not to blend too much, just at the edges.

As we age, our skin goes through changes.  We can't stop it, but we can embrace it by making some simple changes. I hope you found these tips helpful to combat the noticeable fine lines and wrinkle that appear on our aging skin. Learn more at

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