Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tipsy Tuesday

Avon Tipsy Tuesday

Tips for Selling Avon Direct Sales

We have talked a lot about selling Avon online and tips for making your business successful. Many of us still sell Avon directly to our customers and sometimes struggle with increasing our sales due to the time it takes to market our business and visit with customers to show demos and deliver samples. Here are some tips to help you with your direct sale business that I have found helpful.

1.  Buy Brochures

When first starting out, it's sometimes hard to spend money on brochures. Think of a brochure as your Avon store. Without a brochure, your direct sale customers won't have a store to shop. Keep in mind, the more brochures you buy the cheaper they are per pack of 10.

2.  Personal Note

Add a personal note with your brochure to introduce yourself to your potential customers and provide contact information. I added a note that also requested customers Text me with YES + their address, so I would know who is interested in receiving brochures in the future.

3.  Tossing Brochures

This method is great if you live in a heavily populated area. Place the brochures in a plastic brochure bag to protect it from the elements. Toss to the driveway, front yard or take the time to leave it on your neighbors door. The only drawback here, is that you are delivering "cold". You really don't know who is interested unless you talk to someone at each house. That takes a lot of time. So when first starting out, toss brochures to let people know you are there to provide Avon services.

4.  Where to leave your Brochures

Places that people sit and wait....are great places for someone to pick up a brochure and browse. Coffee shops, Dr.'s Offices, laundromats, bus stops, hairdressers are just a few. I have a plastic brochure holder that neatly fits about 6 brochures +business cards, that I leave in the entryway of a local restaurant and my hairdresser's (get permission). I bring a small gift, usually a hand cream, as a thank you for allowing me exposure in their establishments.

5.  Visit Office Buildings

This is a place where you can find lots of people with disposable income and little time to shop. Introduce yourself to the receptionist and bring lots of samples and brochures. Leave her a nice hand cream as a thank you gift for distributing the brochures within the office and collecting the orders. Let her know when you will return to follow up and leave your contact information for questions or orders.

6. Flyers

Get creative and design a flyer with a message you want to advertise. Recruiting, Specials, Skin Care, whatever you like. Place the flyers in post offices, grocery stores or places that people frequent. I like to put pull tabs with my information to make it easy for people to have my contact information. Use bright colored paper, pictures or an eye catching phrase. Using the word FREE somewhere on the flyers works well too.

7.  Finding new customers

Family and friends are a good place to start. If they are not interested in Avon, maybe they would be willing to take some of your brochures to their workplace.
Toss Brochures
Talk to everyone you know about your new business. Be proud of it!

8.  Investment Tools 

Business cards
Samples and demo products
Address labels for your brochures
Car decal or Avon Button- these are especially helpful for the shy representative that isn't comfortable approaching people and talking to them about Avon. Show your pride and let people come to YOU.
Avon fashion and jewelry- wearing your products is a great conversation starter!
Have fun with your business and use the marketing tools that make you feel comfortable. Remember this is YOUR business.

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