Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tips for Avon Reps-Fundraising Steps to Success

Fundraising Steps to Success for Avon Representatives

Congratulations on finding an organization that wants to do an Avon Fundraiser with you! Now what?

The first thing you want to do is determine a contact person who will be responsible for coordinating with you, the Avon representative. Schedule a meeting with them to discuss which fundraiser they will conduct and the percentage offered back on the total sales. A contract must be signed between the parties which is also found on The contract will include start and end dates, delivery date and payments schedule. 

Next the Avon representative must register the fundraiser. This is a short form found on It ensures that the fundraiser is identified properly and given priority shipping. Representatives are then guaranteed 50% earnings on registered fundraisers. Representative offer the organization any or all of the percentage depending on expenses. I personally offer 40% on fundraisers and after paying for expenses such as bags, brochures, thank-you notes etc, there really isn't much left.

Why do fundraisers if you don't make much profit? For one it's a community service that helps out organization earn extra money, AND it increases your own total sales and possibly brings you to a new level, presidents club and beyond! It's a win win.

The coordinator collects the order forms and payments, checking them for accuracy. Order forms are then collected by the representative for ordering. Representatives can pay out the earnings in a couple of ways. 1) collect all of the payments and then present a check back to the organization for their earnings or 2) collect a check minus the percentage you have offered.  I chose #2 because it saves a step.

Once the order arrives, items are packaged like a regular order, including a brochure and thank-you note. You can get volunteers from the organization to assist with this, but I prefer to package it myself.  All packaged orders are then delivered to the organization for distribution to customers. 

If you are a representative interested in doing fundraisers, all of this information is found on under the Earnings Opportunity tab in your web office, then Fundraising. 
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser and live local to me, contact me for more information.

This information is also explained on my website in the Sell Avon-> Tips for New Representatives tab.

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