Sunday, October 16, 2016

Tips for Selling Avon Online

Tips for Selling Avon Online

All new Avon Representatives want to be successful, right? Sometimes getting started can be overwhelming. We all want to see lots of orders and of course profit from our first order.  Here are a few tips to help you get your new business up and running in just a few short steps.  

1. Set up your eStore
Visit for step by step instructions on setting up your own eStore. Click the Sell Avon tab ->Tips for New Representatives for details on setting up your eStore.
2. Set up your Automatic emails 
This is found in your Web Office under personal website --> personalization tool--> customer preference. This is a great way to make sure your customers stay up to date with current campaign brochures and sales promotions. 
3. Update your contacts
Make sure you have current information to ensure your emails are getting to your customers. 
4. Send an "Open for Business" email.
As soon as your eStore is set up, go to the eMail Center found in your web office. There are a couple emails to choose from to let your family and friends know you are open for business. Be sure to add a personal note so they know it's from you. 
5. Sharing on Social Media
Set up a separate Facebook page for your Avon business. That way you can share information with customers that are interested and not bombard your personal newsfeed with Avon ads. Those that are not interested on your personal page might get annoyed. Having your business page separate, allows you to share what you want, when you want. Send an invite to everyone on your personal friend list and only those that are interested will follow your business page. I like to give the option. Follow my Facebook page for ideas.
6. Blog
Starting a blog is a great way to provide information and services that your customers may be interested in. If you are new to blogging, don't worry. It's easy. Think of it as a journal relating to your Avon business. The more you blog, the easier it gets. There are many FREE blog out there. Do your research. Subscribe to my blog for ideas. 
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