Monday, July 11, 2016

Avon Balance Disc

Get Fit with Avon

As most of you know by now, I love selling Avon. But what you may not know about me is that my full time job is in the field of Physical Therapy. I love working with people and helping them recover from surgery, knee/hip replacements, heart attacks and illnesses that impair their everyday function. I work with elders on a daily bases and one thing is certain. As we age, our balance decreases and puts us at risk for falls. 

I love that Avon is taking an active part in the health and well-being of our customers. Featured in C15 are a few items I thing are note worthy on pages 192-193. In particular, the Balance Disc. I was so surprised to see this in the brochure this week. I use it almost daily in my rehab programs to help my patients improve their balance reactions and decrease their fall risk. Thank you Avon for taking an interest!

For only $9.99 this Balance Disc is a must have. If you decide to get one, please email me directly and I will be happy to share some exercise to do on the disc to improve your balance. 

Yours in health, 

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